Thursday, January 27, 2011


In 1968 Triumph was facing the beginning of the crisis trying to resist to the emerging power of the Japanese bikes.

After some year of hard studies on prototypes the Unified Company Triumph-BSA presented the new T150, Trident with 3 cylinders.

But maybe was too late, Honda CB four was already in many bike shops.

In 1990 the New Triumph started again where the story was finished, presenting a new Trident . This time with 900 cc and always with 3 cylinders.

In my personal opinion both models, the old and the “new” ones are really charming bikes, even if, while the old Trident is really a vintage- classic-ultra expensive motorbike, maybe the Trident 900 can easily found at reasonable price and can be easily modified to obtain a very nice CafĂ© Racer.

For more info about the Triumph History you can check out:

Fedro Triple

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